piątek, 16 grudnia 2011

Jailbreak iPhone 4S And iPad 2, Pod2g Might Work On… !!

A demo video of iOS 5 untethered jailbreak developed by the well known iPhone hacker pod2g has been offered just few days ago.

We, today, have been informed about the likelihood of this jailbreak to support iPad 2 and iPhone 4S.

As stated by pod2g’s timeline, you might be capable to jailbreak iPhone 4S and iPad 2 running iOS 5.0.1 using his untethered jailbreak.

MuscleNerd of the iPhone Dev Team, as We have already known, could jailbreak the iPhone 4S and iPad 2 running iOS 5. MuscleNerd’s unreleased jailbreak is tethered only as pod2g said on his Twitter timeline a month ago.

After showing his video, a lot of questions about if this jailbreak will support iPhone 4S and iPad 2 on iOS 5 / iOS 5.0.1, pod2g, has received

Jailbreak iPhone 4S 5.0.1 Untethered Possibilty

On the tweet Pod2g said that he didn’t try his jailbreak on the iPhone 4S or iPad 2 as he doesn’t own the devices but this jailbreak will most likely work on it.

Pod2g is aiming to try the jailbreak later after finishing the testing on iOS 5.0.1 and other A4 and below-A4 devices like the iPhone 4 and the original iPad.

We’ll be back with more about iPhone 4S and iPad 2 untethered jailbreak on iOS 5 or iOS 5.0.1.

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